27 Nov 13 – News Update

27 11 2013

Source: globalbrief.ca

BIG NEWS: Department of Defense Announces Arctic Strategy
The US Department of Defense released its Arctic Strategy during a speech by
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel at the Halifax International Security Forum in
Nova Scotia, Canada. PDF Document

Great Powers Shall Not in the Arctic Clash
The contours of new-century international law and geopolitical logic are being shaped first and foremost in the Arctic

European Command Promotes Cooperation Among Arctic Partners
Coast Guard Capt. Ed Westfall, chief of U.S. European Command’s Arctic strategy  branch, thinks more of the second- and third-order effects of the melting polar  icecap, in terms of not just tourism, but also its effect on maritime traffic, fishing and oil and gas exploration.

Arctic security and the United Kingdom
Duncan Depledge asks how the UK can participate effectively in the emerging Arctic security architecture.
PDF Document



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